Monday, September 14, 2009

For My Enrichment Classes, but anyone may comment.

Discuss the use of line in this picture.


  1. I am kind of confused by all the lines. the reason is because each line has a diffrent pictures in it. Also I don't know why he/she put the horse and the human in there. Why is the human green and the horse shades of blue. Therfore, the painting is interesting, but confusing to me
    Jacob M.

  2. This picture has two major types of lines. The first type is soft lines. This picture has kind of a nice feeling to it because it has soft lines. The other kind of lines are regular lines. These lines have nothing special about them, they are just normal. But they let your eyes travel so you can see the whole picture.
    Kayla M. =)

  3. Good observation guys! :) Kayla- you hit it right on the head...the lines in this picture SHOULD make you travel!

  4. When i looked at the picture, it confused me because there were two huge faces, one of a blue horse and one of a person, in the horse i saw a smaller horse with a girl and I think the man was holding a plant or something.
    - Wesley

  5. Like all the other people that have commented I was also confused when i first way it. But what i like about this picture is that it looks like the man and the horse know each other, i mean he's giving her a flower or plant of some kind. Also in the back, between the heads of both the man and the horse there is another man and an upside down woman with him.

  6. When I first saw this painting, I really didn't understand what the artist was thinking when he drew this. Why would the artist draw a blue horse on one side and a green man on the other? The horse kind of reminds me of a unicorn but what I really like about this picture is the artist used simple shapes like triangles, ovals, square, ect to make the drawing. The man and horse might know each other or the horse is the pet of the man and why is a woman haning upside down on the top of the picture? This picture is a good combination of warm and cool colors. Overall, this is a good masterpiece and the shading used in this pictures is outstanding.

  7. Fara Cohen: When i first looked at that picture didn't see what most people do (the blue horse and green man). The first thing i saw was all the different lines. they took me on journey through the drawing. Each line led you to another all through out the page. Some lines are dark, some are light, some are 3-d, and some are 2-d. this painting or drawing has a deeper meaning than what meets the eye. <33333333333 =)
