Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Most classes have been doing a lot of drawing and shading the past few weeks. Tell how you felt about drawing before some of our lessons together and tell me how you feel about drawing now. Do you feel more comfortable? Less comfortable? Do you 'see' more details?


  1. Before, I felt that I was drawing pretty good. The drawing of the hand I drew, I thought was good. But I felt a little uncomfortable and nervous because I had some feelings that most kids in the classs were better drawers than me. After the lessons of drawing and shading, I felt more confident and comfortable when I started to shade and draw. I feel that I have imporved even with a few classes and my drawings are started to become more detailed and look more realistic.

  2. hi, its amber. i think that i felt that i was an okay drawer but not that great. seeing some of the other student drawing acualy helped me see some of my mistakes. now after just a few classes i think im getting better ant making thing loook more realitic and real. im so exited for the next project we are doing. by
