Monday, September 21, 2009


Today we celebrate PEACE DAY around the world. All of these paintings have the word 'PEACE' in their title. What do you think the role of an artist would be for establishing peace around the world? Do you think art is an important part of creating peace? If so, how do we, as artists, make that happen?

1 comment:

  1. hi its amber. i think that art is a major part of the way people look at things. you may see a violent picture of something and think about badness but if you have peaceful and pretty pictures around you will think of peaceful things. also like on posters and billboards they may show something that has nothing to do with peace or happyness and thats what you see all the time. if you have one or two nice posters around every once and a wile you may think or more happy things. the art that we see shows us what the world is like. the world should be full of peace.
